Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Episode #69 "Shameless Plutocrats"

Episode #69 "Shameless Plutocrats"

Wellllll...what evil deeds done by evil doers are thwarted in this exciting episode of the NerdUp Podcast?  Oh ummm..well none actually.  But the guys do sit down with Shawn Smith of IndyPopCon ( ) to discuss the upcoming IndyPopCon in Indianapolis July 26th through the 28th at the Indiana Convention Center.  Then a frank and in depth discussion of the recent Netflix release of the "Daredevil" TV series is the focus.  Everything right, everything wrong and everything in between is discussed.  Then to close out the NerdCon 2015 is briefly discussed ( ).

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

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Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Episode #68 "There Will Be LARPing"

Episode #68 "There Will Be LARPing"

Welllllll...the last time we met with the pernicious podcasters they were talking about The Avengers: Age of Ultron...this week they do so still yet again, but this time they add in a female perspective with guest Sam Matson...Will they finally get the Avengers out of their system?  Will they solve the problem of world peace? And another thing,  what about this Sam Matson...just where have we heard that name before?

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

There are ways you can help support the podcast one is to simply make a donation by clicking on the PayPal donation button on the top right of the page or you can check out our Merch table. Just click on the NerdUp Merch Table button on the top of the podcast page or just visit

Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes.

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