Friday, December 15, 2017

Episode #127 Thor vs. Justice League

Episode #127 Thor vs. Justice League

So, two guys just sit down and discuss the differences between "Thor: Ragnarok" & "Justice League," the best part is that it got recorded and here you have it. Gil T. Wilson & Bret Hartman discuss

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You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

There are ways you can help support the podcast one is to simply make a donation by clicking on the PayPal donation button on the top right of the page or you can check out our Merch table. Just click on the NerdUp Merch Table button on the top of the podcast page or just visit or the new t-shirt shop at

Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen and subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes

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Monday, December 4, 2017

Episode #126 "When I Returned"

Episode #126 "When I Returned"

In this Episode, Gil T. sits down w/ cartoonists/ writers J.D. Lunt & Kelly Swann from the "When I Returned" Veterans' stories to comics, graphic memoirs, a comic book featuring stories by local veterans drawn by The Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS) students and alumni.   Which can be purchased through

Also check out JD's & Kelly's websites

Don't forget to check out our sponsors and friends.

 Click here to subscribe to one of the best nerdy swag subscription box service.

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

There are ways you can help support the podcast one is to simply make a donation by clicking on the PayPal donation button on the top right of the page or you can check out our Merch table. Just click on the NerdUp Merch Table button on the top of the podcast page or just visit or the new t-shirt shop at

Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen and subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes

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Help Support the Podcast and get your Nerd on. Click here to subscribe to one of the best nerdy swag subscription box service.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Episode #125 "Starbase Indy 2017"

Episode #125 "Starbase Indy 2017"

In this exciting episode we boldly go where we have gone before.  It's time for the return of Starbase Indy.  Lisa Meese one of the organizers for Starbase Indy joins Gil T. to talk about all the fun festivities going on this year and give her opinions on Star Trek Discovery and the Orville.

Don't forget to check out our sponsors and friends.

 Click here to subscribe to one of the best nerdy swag subscription box service.

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

There are ways you can help support the podcast one is to simply make a donation by clicking on the PayPal donation button on the top right of the page or you can check out our Merch table. Just click on the NerdUp Merch Table button on the top of the podcast page or just visit or the new t-shirt shop at

Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen and subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes

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Help Support the Podcast and get your Nerd on. Click here to subscribe to one of the best nerdy swag subscription box service.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Episode #124 "Unlisted Owner"

Episode #124 "Unlisted Owner"

ooooooohhhh....pretty this scary episode of the NerdUp Podcast Gil T. sits down with independent filmmaker Jed Brian with Lawford County Productions and discuss the soon to be released film "Unlisted Owner."  We dare you to listen to this podcast in the dark.

Don't forget to check out our sponsors and friends.

 Click here to subscribe to one of the best nerdy swag subscription box service.

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

There are ways you can help support the podcast one is to simply make a donation by clicking on the PayPal donation button on the top right of the page or you can check out our Merch table. Just click on the NerdUp Merch Table button on the top of the podcast page or just visit or the new t-shirt shop at

Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen and subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes

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Help Support the Podcast and get your Nerd on. Click here to subscribe to one of the best nerdy swag subscription box service.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Episode #123 "Star Dreck & the Offenders"

Episode #123 "Star Dreck & the Offenders"

In this thrilling episode the nerds get together and talk about Star Trek: Discovery, and The Defenders.  They WANTED to like them.

Don't forget to check out our sponsors and friends.

 Click here to subscribe to one of the best nerdy swag subscription box service.

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

There are ways you can help support the podcast one is to simply make a donation by clicking on the PayPal donation button on the top right of the page or you can check out our Merch table. Just click on the NerdUp Merch Table button on the top of the podcast page or just visit or the new t-shirt shop at

Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen and subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes

Listen on Google Play Music

Help Support the Podcast and get your Nerd on. Click here to subscribe to one of the best nerdy swag subscription box service.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Episode #122 "The Dork Tower"

Episode #122  "The Dork Tower"

In this thrilling episode we pull Eric out of his private movie theater long enough to talk about Stephen King and the Dark Tower movie, and Game of Thrones.  Let's talk Nerdy.

Don't forget to check out our sponsors and friends.
Kick starter for the new Todd Black project -

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen and subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes

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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Episode #121 "Punks & the 80s"

Episode #121  "Punks & the 80s"

Gil T. & Bret are at it again, telling stories.  This time, in response to a facebook poll, they are rewatching & discussing the classic movie "Ferris Beuller's Day Off."  and other stuff.
Don't forget to check out our sponsors and friends.

Kick starter for the new Todd Black project -

Home Vol. 1

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

There are ways you can help support the podcast one is to simply make a donation by clicking on the PayPal donation button on the top right of the page or you can check out our Merch table. Just click on the NerdUp Merch Table button on the top of the podcast page or just visit or the new t-shirt shop at

Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen and subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes

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Friday, August 18, 2017

Episode #120 "Black is Back"

Episode #120 "Black is Back"

A quick one here.  Friend of the Podcast, Todd Black, has yet another idea for a comic, or rather a graphic novel, and he has launched a Kickstarter to get this 72 page graphic novel published.  "10,000 Miles" is about a couple of brothers that go on one last adventure together, digging their way to China.  Great book for all ages.  Gil T. sits with Todd and discusses the book and the kickstarter.  (HEY! Gil T. here.  We have to get this book funded, please go pledge.  I really really want this book in hand.)

Don't forget to check out our sponsors and friends.

Kick starter for the new Todd Black project -

Home Vol. 1

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

There are ways you can help support the podcast one is to simply make a donation by clicking on the PayPal donation button on the top right of the page or you can check out our Merch table. Just click on the NerdUp Merch Table button on the top of the podcast page or just visit or the new t-shirt shop at

Click here to listen or right click to "save as" a file on your computer, or you can listen and subscribe via an rss feed (link is on the right side of the webpage) or you can subscribe via iTunes

Listen on Google Play Music

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