Monday, January 26, 2015

Episode #61 "The Girl Who Was Death"

Episode #61   "The Girl Who Was Death"

Once again the NerdUp Podcast gets a female perspective.  This time around Gil T, Tim K. and Eric are joined by Lesa Shelton and together they gather round and talk about why it is good to be a nerd and how Television programming is reaching out to the nerd culture.  They also talk about the potential "Ghost In The Shell" movie starring Scarlett Johannson.  Get your nerd on, this time with a female perspective to set the boys right.

You can reach Gil T. ( @gilwilson ), Eric ( @ericbill ), Tim Kocher ( @TimKhastosay ), Tim Matson ( @timgonmad ), and Isaac (@Ebilbacon88) on twitter, but even better you can tweet to @nerduppodcast and we'll get the message. So tweet us and let us know what you think. Or leave a voicemail by clicking on the "send voicemail" tab on the right hand side of the page.

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